
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

prō-dūcō dūxī, ductus, ere

(prōdūxe for prōdūxisse, T.), to lead forth, lead forward, bring out: eum rus hinc, T.: copias pro castris, Cs.—By legal process, to produce, bring forward, cause to appear: eum in conspectum populiR.: consules: ad populum eos, i. e. let them address the people, L.: producti in circo Flaminio in contionem: in iudicium produci, before the court: Granium testem.—Of an actor, to represent, perform: nihil ab hoc pravum produci posse.—To expose for sale: servos, T.—To set before, with dat: scamnum lecto, O.— To stretch out, lengthen, extend: productā longius acie, Cs.: ferrum incude, Iu.—Of the dead, to conduct to the grave, bury: nec te, tua funera, mater Produxi, V.—To bring to light, disclose, expose: Occulta ad patres crimina, Iu.—To bring forth, bring into the world, bear, beget, produce, bring up, raise: alquem sui simillimum: Filiolam turpem, Iu.: Quicunque primum (te) Produxit, arbos, H.: nova (vocabula) quae genitor produxerit usus, H. —Fig., to raise, promote, advance: productus ad dignitatem: omni genere honoris eum, L.: a quibus producti sunt, advanced to power: Diva, producas subolem, prosper, H.—To draw out, lengthen out, prolong, protract, stretch out, extend: cyathos sorbilans hunc producam diem, T.: cenam, H.: sermonem in multam noctem: Varro . . . vitam Naevi producit longius, i. e. represents him as having lived longer: rem in hiemem, Cs.: animas, lives, Iu.—To lead on, put off, amuse, delude: me falsā spe, T.: condicionibus hunc.

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