
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

prōficiō fēcī, fectus, ere

pro+facio, to make headway, advance, make progress, have success, profit, succeed, effect, accomplish : quid erat profectum, nisi ut, etc.: tantum profeci tum, ut, etc.: nihil in oppugnatione oppidi, Cs.: loci opportunitate, Cs.: hoc tamen: in philosophiā aliquid, to make any progress.—To be useful, be serviceable, do good, avail, help, tend, contribute, conduce : tantum ad dicendum: parvaque certamina in summam totius profecerant spei, contributed greatly , L.: nihil in melius tot rerum proficit usus?Iu.: radice vel herbā Proficiente nihil, doing no good , H.: permultum proficiet illud demonstrare: in summam belli profectum foret, it would help decide the whole war , L.

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