
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

profiteor fessus, ērī, dep.

pro+fateor, to declare publicly, own freely, acknowledge, avow, confess openly, profess : non solum fateri, sed etiam profiteri: fateor atque etiam profiteor: apertissime studium suum: se nullum periculum recusare, Cs.: hoc me rei p. causā facere: professus se petere, avowing himself a candidate , L.—With two accs., to avow oneself, profess to be : se grammaticum: huic me belli ducem: (te) amicum, H.— To follow as a pursuit, profess : philosophiam: ius, O.— To offer freely, propose voluntarily, promise, display : iudicium, testify voluntarily , S.: se ad eam rem adiutorem, Cs.: tibi meum studium: Sumunt gentiles arma professa manus, i. e. as volunteers , O.: Inceptis magna professis Adsuitur pannus, making great promises , H.: nomina, i. e. come forward as candidates , L.— To make a public statement of, report, return, state : iugera sationum suarum: frumentum, L.: professae (sc. feminae), i. e. registered as public women , O.: in his nomen suom, classes himself , T.

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