
An Elementary Latin Dictionary


(prō-, Ct.), fūdī, fūsus, ere, to pour out, pour forth, shed copiously, cause to flow: sanguinem pro patriā: lacrimas oculis, V.: lacrimae se subito profuderunt, burst forth.—To bring forth, produce, utter: vocem: clamorem.—With se, to pour forth, rush forth, throw out: omnis multitudo sagittariorum se profudit, Cs.: in vitibus ea, quae sese nimium profuderunt, i. e. have grown too fast.—Fig., to throw away, spend freely, waste, lavish, dissipate, squander: profundat, perdat, T.: patrimonia: pecuniam, vitam pro patriā, sacrifice.—To pour out, vent, expend, be lavish of, express freely: odium in me: res universas, set forth all together.—With se, to rush forth, break out: voluptates subito se profundunt . . . universae: si totum se ille in me profudisset, i. e. had been generous to me: in questūs flebilīs sese, L.

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