
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

prōvincia ae, f

an office, duty, pursuit, charge, business, province: dura, T.: sibi provinciam depoposcit, ut me trucidaret.—A public office, appointment, charge, commission, administration, employment, command: urbana: cui classis provincia evenerat, L.: Aquilio Hernici provincia evenit, i. e. were assigned, L.: ut alteri consulum Italia bellumque cum Hannibale provincia esset, sphere of action, L.: quasi provincias atomis dare, methods of action.—Esp., the government of a territory outside of Italy by one who had served as magistrate in Rome, provincial government, territorial administration, command in the name of the Roman people: in quibus (locis) provinciam administras: numerum annorum provinciis prorogavit: provinciae rudis: provinciam deposuit, resigned: consularis, governed by an ex-consul.—A territory governed by a magistrate from Rome, province: Sicilia prima omnium provincia est appellata: provincia Syria: in provinciam cum imperio proficisci.

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