
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

prō-vocō āvī, ātus, āre,

to call forth, call out, summon: Pamphilam cantatum, T.: ad se Simonidem, Ph.: roseo ore diem, O.—To call out, challenge, invite: (Aiacem) ad pugnam: provocatus haec spolia ex hoste caeso porto, L.: in provocantem hostem pugnare, L.—To go before a higher tribunal, appeal, make an appeal: de maiestate ad populum: ab omni iudicio poenāque provocari licere.—Fig., to excite, stimulate, exasperate, stir up, rouse: maledictis me: beneficio provocati: sermonibus, Cs.: munificentiā nostrā plebem, L.: bellum, Ta.

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