
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

pulvīnar (polv-) āris, abl.ārī, n

pulvinus, a couch of the gods, cushioned seat spread at a feast of the gods (before their statues in the lectisternium): Saliaribus Ornare pulvinar deorum dapibus, H.: in Iovis epulo num alibi pulvinar suscipi potest? be prepared , L.: pulvinaribus altis Dignior, O.— A shrine, temple, sacred place : ad omnia pulvinaria supplicatio decreta est, i. e. in all the temples : deorum pulvinaribus fides praecinunt, i. e. at the feasts of the gods.—A sofa, cushioned seat, seat of honor, easy couch : coniunx sua pulvinaria servat, O.: lupanaris tulit ad pulvinar odorem, i. e. to the empress's throne in the circus , Iu.