
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

quotus adj.

quot, which in number, which in order, of what number : quotus erit iste denarius, qui non sit ferendus?: quota pars illi rerum periere mearum, O.: hora quota est? what o'clock is it? H.: Tu, quotus esse velis, rescribe, i. e. one of how many guests , H.— How small, how trifling : Et sequitur regni pars quota quemque sui?O.: Pars quota Lernaeae serpens eris unus Echidnae?O.—With quisque (often written quotusquisque), how rarely one, how few (only sing.): quotus enim quisque philosophorum invenitur, qui sit ita moratus: quoto cuique lorica est? Cu.: formā quota quaeque superbit?O.