
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

remissus adj.with comp.

P. of remitto, slack, loose, relaxed, languid : corpora: Venus et remisso Filius arcu, H.— Gentle, mild : remissior ventus, Cs.: remissiora frigora, Cs.—Fig., loose, slack, negligent, remiss : animus, Cs.: nostris animo remissis, Cs.: in labore, N.: remissior in petendo: mons festo, unguarded , Pr.—As subst n. : nihil remissi pati, no negligence , S.—Plur m . as subst: Oderunt agilem remissi, the slothful , H.— Relaxed, not rigid, indulgent, yielding : utrum remissior essem, an summo iure contenderem, less exacting : in sermone: in ulciscendo remissior.— Relaxed, good-humored, light, genial, merry, gay : cantūs remissiores: cum tristibus severe, cum remissis iucunde vivere: remissiore uti genere dicendi, to speak in a lighter vein : ioci, merry , O.— Low, cheap : remissior fuit aestimatio quam annona, below the market price .