
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

re-parō āvī, ātus, āre,

to get again, acquire anew, recover, retrieve, restore, repair, renew: perdere quod alio praetore eodem ex agro reparare posset: amissas res, H.: exercitum, L.: maiores copias, Cu.: Ex aliis alias figuras, O.—To get in exchange, purchase, obtain: Vina Syrā reparata merce, H.—Fig., to renew, restore, repair, etc.: bellum, L.: pristinam fortunam, Cu.—To make good, restore, repair: damna, H.—To refresh, restore, revive, recruit: Haec (quies) reparat vires, O.: corpora Fessa labori, O.—To take as a substitute, take in exchange: latentīs oras, H.