
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

re-secō cuī, ctus, āre,

to cut loose, cut off: linguae scalpello resectae: palpebras: enodes truncos, V.: ferro capillos, O.: Barba resecta, O.: dapes resectae, cakes cut in squares, O.: resecanda falce humus, to be reaped, O.—Prov.: alqd ad vivum, cut to the quick, i. e. press to an extreme: de vivo aliquid erat resecandum, to be cut from the quick.—Fig., to cut off, curtail, check, stop, restrain: nimia resecari oportere: quae resecanda erunt, non patiar ad perniciem civitatis manere: audacias atque libidines: crimina quaedam cum primā barbā, Iu.: spatio brevi Spem longam, H.