
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

retracto (ō) (-trecto) āvī, ātus, āre

retraho, to handle again, take in hand again, undertake anew : arma, L.: ferrum, V.: volnera cruda, i. e. touches anew the unheeled sores , O.—Fig., to consider, examine again, review, revise : omnia, quae ad cultum deorum pertinerent: Fata domūs, O.: augemus dolorem retractando: desueta verba, O.: Ceae munera neniae, H.: posterā die retractatur, the negotiation is renewed , Ta.— To withdraw, draw back, refuse, decline, be reluctant : sive retractabis sive proberavis: Icilium retractantem adripi iubet, L.: quid retractas?V.: nihil est quod dicta retractent, have no reason for revoking , V.