
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

salūtāris e, adj.with comp.

salus, of wellbeing, healthful, health-giving, wholesome, salutary : pro salutaribus mortifera conscribere: res (opp. pestiferae): calor: ars, of healing , H.: herbae, O.: hominum generi cultura agrorum est salutaris.— Fig., serviceable, beneficial, salutary, advantageous, useful : litterae: orationem salutarem habere, L.: civis: nihil est eo melius, nihil salutarius nobis: ad ortūs puerorum.—Esp., in the phrase, salutaris littera, i. e. the letter A (for absolvo, on the ballots of judges; opp. littera tristis, i. e. C, for condemno).—As a surname of Jupiter.

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