
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

saxum ī, n

2 SAC-, a large stone, rough stone, broken rock, bowlder, rock : e saxo sculptus: magni ponderis saxa, Cs.: saxis suspensa rupes, V.: inter saxa rupīsque, L.: Capitolium saxo quadrato substructum, with foundations of hewn stone , L.—Prov.: satis diu iam hoc saxum vorso, i. e. struggle in vain (as Sisyphus with his stone), T.—As nom prop., the Tarpeian Rock : quis audeat laedere propositā cruce aut saxo?: Deicere de saxo civīs?H.— The Sacred Rock (on the Aventine hill, where Remus consulted the auspices): pulvinar sub Saxo dedicare: Appellant Saxum, pars bona montis ea est, O.—In the name, Saxa Rubra; see ruber.—Plur, stony ground, rocky places : in apricis coquitur vindemia saxis, V.— A stone wall : saxo lucum circumdedit, O.

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