
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

senātor ōris, m

SEN-.—In Rome, a member of the Senate (originally one hundred advisers, selected by Romulus from the nobles. Later, a hundred Sabine nobles were added; and the number was increased by Sulla to four hundred, and by Julius Caesar to nine hundred, but Augustus reduced it to six hundred. The later additions were made largely from the Knights. Under the republic the censors revised the roll every five years, striking out names of bad repute. Only men of wealth were eligible, as no salary was paid. The senator wore a tunic with a broad purple band, and black leathern shoes with a ‘luna’ of silver or ivory): huic (senatori) iussa tria sunt; ut adsit, etc.: in senatoribus cooptandis: Artes quas doceat quivis senator Semet prognatos, H.: novom senatorem cooptabitis, L.—In other nations, a senator, councillor of state : se si dediderunt ex sexcentis ad trīs senatores (Nerviorum), Cs.: (Rhodiorum) omnes erant idem tum de plebe tum senatores: senatores quos (Macedonii) synedros vocant, L.

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