
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

senātus (1) ūs (gen.senatī, S., C.), m

SEN-.— In Rome, the council of the elders, council of state, Senate, body of senators (see senator): Romuli senatus, qui constabat ex optimatibus: cum potestas in populo, auctoritas in senatu sit: senatus populusque Romanus (often written S.P. Q. R.), i. e. the republic : senatūs consultum, a decree of the Senate : senati decreto missi, S.: omnia, de quibus senatus censuit: in senatum venire non potuit, become a senator : de cooptando senatu, choosing : ut et veterem senatum tollatis et novom cooptetis, L.: senatu movere, S.: a censoribus ex senatu eiectus: seminarium senatūs, i. e. the order of Knights (from which new senators were selected), L.— A meeting of the Senate, session : senatus frequens convenit, a quorum : senatum cito cogere: eo die non fuit senatus neque postero, no session : eodem die Tyriis (legatis) est senatus datus frequens, i. e. a quorum gave audience : dimittere senatum: multa eius in senatu provisa prudenter, in the meetings of the Senate : in senatum venire, attend .—In other nations, a Senate, council of state : Aeduorum, Cs.: Venetorum, Cs.

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