
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

senēscō nuī, —, ere, inch.

seneo, to grow old, become aged, grow hoary : aetas senescit: tacitis senescimus annis, O.: Solve senescentem mature equum, H.— To decay, lose strength, grow weak, be enfeebled, waste away, decline : famā et viribus, L.: non esse cum aegro senescendum, L.: dis hominibusque accusandis senescere, pine away , L.: amore habendi, H.— To waste, wane, decline, fall off, be diminished, be impaired : luna (opp. crescens), waning : arbores cum lunā senescentes: continuā messe senescit ager, is worn out , O.: hiemps senescens, closing : omnia orta occidunt et aucta sanescunt, S.: alcuius vis, L.: consilia, L.: amor, O.

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