
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

sors (old nom.sortis, T.), tis, abl.sorte or sortī, f

1 SER-, a lot : tot in hydriam sortes conicerentur: neque eorum sortes deiciuntur, Cs.: cum deiecta in id sors esset, lots were cast for it , L.: cum de consularibus mea prima sors exisset: et cuiusque sors exciderat, L.: sortes suā sponte adtenuatas, L.— A casting of lots, drawing, decision by lot, lot : quaestor quem sors dedit: cui Sicilia provincia sorti evenisset, L.: Q. Caecilio sorti evenit, ut gereret, etc., L.: de se ter sortibus consultum dicebat, Cs.: iubet extra sortem Theomnastum renuntiari.— An oracular response, prophecy : ut sors ipsa ad sortīs referenda sit: Lyciae sortes, the oracles of the Lycian Apollo , V.: Faticinae, O.: edita oraculo, Cu.: responsa sortium, L.—In business, a capital, principal : de sorte nunc venio in dubium miser?T.: sorte caret: mergentibus semper sortem usuris, L.—Fig., a lot, share, duty assigned by lot : urbana peregrina (in the division of official duties), L.: comitia suae sortis esse, i. e. had been allotted to him , L.: numquam ex urbe afuit nisi sorte, i. e. on official duty.—A lot, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part : futura, V.: Ferrea vitae, O.: iniqua, V.: iniquissima, L.: illā (sorte) Contentus, H.: inrequieta, O.: Sunt quibus ad portas cecidit custodia sorti, to whose lot , V.: Saturni sors ego prima fui, i. e. the first child , O.: suae sortis oblitus, Cu.: puer in nullam sortem bonorum natus, to no share of the property , L.: praedae mala sors, O.— A sort, kind, sex, class : Non tuae sortis iuvenem, rank , H.: altera, sex , O.: nova pugnae, V.

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