
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

sortior ītus, īrī, dep.

sors, to cast lots, draw lots : cum praetores designati sortirentur, drew lots for their official duties : consules comparare inter se aut sortiri iussi, i. e. to assign provinces by agreement or by lot , L.— To draw lots for, assign by lot, allot, obtain by lot : tribūs: provincias: iudices, appoint by lot : Necessitas Sortitur insignīs et imos, decides the fate of , H.: sortiri, quid loquare: inter se, uter Hispaniam obtineret, cast lots to decide , L.: consules sortiti, uter dedicaret, L.— To share, divide, distribute : pariter laborem, V.: periclum, V.— To choose, select : subolem armento, V.: fortunam oculis (i. e. locum), V.— To get by chance, get as a lot, get, obtain, receive : mediterranea Asiae, L.: amicum, H.: Maeonium vatem sortita fuisses, O.

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