
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

stringō inxī, ictus, ere

STRAG-, to draw tight, bind tight, compress, press together : stricta frigore volnera, L.: ferri duritiem, forge , Ct. dub.— To touch lightly, graze : laevas cautes, V.: Stringebat summas ales undas, O.: metas rotā, O.: tela stringentia corpus, V.: dente pedem, O.—Of places, to border on, touch : Scytharum gens ultima Asiae, quā Bactra sunt, stringit, Cu.— To strip off, pluck off, cut away, clip, prune : quernas glandes, V.: folia ex arboribus, Cs.: strictis foliis vivere, L.: celeriter gladios, unsheathe , Cs.: strictam aciem offerre, V.: cultrum, L.: manum, to bare , O.; cf. in hostīs stringatur iambus, be drawn (as a weapon), O.—Fig., to waste, consume, reduce : Praeclaram stringat malus ingluvie rem, H.— To touch, move, affect, injure, wound, pain : animum, V.: nomen meum, O.

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