
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

sub-sistō stitī, —, ere,

to take a stand, take position, stand still, remain standing, stop, halt: audacius, Cs.: Substitit Aeneas et se conlegit in arma, V.: occultus subsistebat, stationed himself in ambush, L.: positis pars utraque substitit armis, O.: substitit unda, V.: Substitit lingua timore, O.—To remain, abide, stay: circa Mesopotamiam, Cu.: diutius, Cu.: intra priorem paupertatem, Ta. —To make a stand, stand firm, hold out, withstand, oppose, resist: in Samnio adversus Caudinas legiones, L.: Hannibali atque eius armis, L.: clipeo iuvenis, V.: quod neque ancorae funesque subsisterent, neque, etc., held out, Cs.: praepotentem armis Romanum nec acies subsistere ullae poterant, L.—Fig., to come to a stop, end, pause, cease: Substitit clamor, O.

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