
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

sub-sum —, esse,

to be under, be behind: ubi non subest, quo praecipitet, no place underneath: subucula subest tunicae, H.: Nigra subest lingua palato, V.: Cum sol Oceano subest, H.—To be near, be at hand, adjoin, be close: montes, Cs.: planities, L.: vicina taberna, H.: Templa mari, O. —Of time, to be near, be at hand, approach, impend: nox iam suberat, Cs.: dies comitiorum.— Fig., to be underneath, lie at the bottom, lurk in, be concealed in, be in reserve: in quā (legatione) periculi suspicio non subesset: si his vitiis ratio non subesset: si ulla spes salutis nostrae subesset: subest silentio facinus, Cu.: Notitiae suberit amica tuae, will be subject to your cognizance, O.