
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

sup-pōnō (subp-) posuī, positus

(posta, V.), ere, to put below, set under: anitum ova gallinis: caput et stomachum fontibus, H.: Cervicem polo, O.: (tauros) iugo, yoke, O.: Agresti fano pecus, drive under, O.: fratrem tumulo, i. e. bury, O.: incedis per ignīs Suppositos cineri doloso, hidden under, H.: terrae dentes, i. e. sow, O.: Falcem maturīs aristis, apply, V.: cultros, apply (i. e. to the throat), V.—To put in the place of, substitute for: in eorum locum civīs Romanos: criminibus illis pro rege se supponit reum.—To substitute falsely, falsify, forge, counterfeit: puerum, T.: puellam, L.: patri quos (equos) Circe Suppositā de matre nothos furata creavit, i. e. secretly introduced, V.: trepidat, ne Suppositus venias, Iu.— Fig., to add, annex, subjoin: exemplum epistulae. —To make subject, subject, submit: Nil ita sublime est . . . Non sit ut inferius suppositumque deo, O.—To subordinate, class under: huic generi partīs quattuor: Latio supposuisse Samon, i. e. regarded as inferior, O.