
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

suspendō dī, sus, ere

subs (see sub)+pendo, to hang up, hang, suspend : reste suspensus, L.: Oscilla ex altā pinu, V.: tignis nidum, V.: Stamina suspendit telā, O.: in trutinā Homerum, Iu.: Nec sua credulitas piscem suspenderat hamo, had caught , O.: (pueri) Laevo suspensi loculos lacerto, with satchels hanging on their arms , H.: (tellurem) sulco, i. e. turn up , V.— To choke to death by hanging, hang : arbori infelici suspendito: se de ficu.—Of votive offerings, to hang up, dedicate, consecrate : votas suspendere vestīs, V.: Vestimenta maris deo, H.—Of buildings, to build on arches, hang, support, prop : quod ita aedificatum est, ut suspendi non possit: duo tigna suspenderent eam contignationem, propped , Cs.: suspenso furculis muro, L.—Of the looks, to fix, hang : Suspendit pictā voltum mentemque tabellā, H.— With naso, to turn up the nose at, sneer at : naso suspendis adunco Ignotos, H.: omnia naso, H.— Fig., pass, to depend, rest : nec extrinsecus aut bene aut male vivendi suspensas habere rationes, dependent upon externals.—To hang up, suspend, make uncertain, render doubtful, keep in suspense : medio responso rem, L.: omnium animos exspectatione, Cu.— To hang up, stay, stop, check, inter rupt, suspend : fletum, O.: lacrimas, O.