
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

terra ae, f

TERS-, the earth : locata in mediā sede mundi: umbra terrae.—Person., as a goddess, Terra, Earth , C., O.— The land : res invectae ex terrā: aditum habere ab terrā, Cs.: ipse terrā eodem pergit, L.: nationibus terrā marique imperare, by land and sea : mari terrāque bella commissa: et mari et terrā, N.: mari atque terrā, S.— The ground, earth : terrae motūs, earthquakes : quae gignuntur e terrā: mei sub terras ibit imago, i. e. to the underworld , V.— Soil, earth, ground : terrae filius, son of earth : aquam terramque ab Lacedaemoniis petere, water and earth (in token of subjection), L.: Sicco terram spuit ore viator, V.— A land, country, region, territory : mea, O.: in hac terrā: Gallia, Cs.: eae terrae: qui terras incolant eas, etc.: (Cimbri) alias terras petierunt, Cs.: Terrarum curam accipere, of the nations , V.: Ostendent terris hunc tantum fata, i. e. to men , V.—In the phrase, in terris, in all lands, on earth, in the world : pecunia quanta est in terris, in the world : ruberes, Viveret in terris te si quis avarior, H.—In the phrase, orbis terrarum, or orbis terrae, the world, whole world, all nations : totum orbem terrarum nostro imperio teneri: senatus, id est, orbis terrae consilium.— Plur gen ., with adv.of place : Quoquo hinc asportabitur terrarum, to whatever part of the world , T.: ubi terrarum esses, where in the world .