
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

terreō uī, itus, ēre

2 TER-, to frighten, affright, put in fear, cause to dread, alarm, terrify, scare, dismay : vi: ultro succlamationibus, L.: nec me ista terrent: suae malae cogitationes terrent: multum ad terrendos nostros valuit clamor, Cs.: metu, L.: Territus hoste novo, O.: maxime territi, ne opprimerentur, apprehensive , L.: Terruit gentīs, ne rediret Saeculum Pyrrhae, H.: territus animi, L.— To drive away by terror, frighten off, scare away : profugam per totum orbem, O.: volucres (harundo), H.: Terret ambustus Phaethon avaras Spes, H.— To deter by terror, scare, frighten : ut, quo minus libere hostes insequerentur, terreret, Cs.: memoria exempli terrebat, ne rem committerent eo, L.