
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

testor ātus, ārī

1 testis, to cause to testify, call as a witness, invoke, appeal to : Confiteor; testere licet (sc. me), i. e. you may cite me as avowing it , O.: vos testor, me defendere, etc.: omnīs homines deosque: Lucretia testata civīs, se ipsa interemit: consulibus deos hominesque testantibus, L.: Iovem et aras, V.: id testor deos, T.: hoc vos, iudices, testor.— To make known, show, prove, demonstrate, declare, aver, assert, bear witness to : ego quod facio, me pacis causā facere, clamo atque testor: nunc illa testabor, non me sortilegos . . . agnoscere: testatus, quae praestitisset civibus eorum, etc., L.: Adsiduoque suos gemitu testata dolores, O.: Campus sepulcris proelia Testatur, H.: saepe enim hoc testandum est: nihil religione testatum, nihil . . . reperientur.— To publish a testament, make a will, provide by will : de quā (pecuniā) is testatus non est: cum immemor in testundo nepotis decessisset, L.