
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

testūdō inis, f

testa, a tortoise : fluviatiles testudines: collecta in suum tegumen, L.— Tortoise-shell : varios pulchrā testudine postīs, i. e. overlaid with tortoise-shell , V.—Because shells were used as frames for stringed instruments, a stringed instrument of music, lyre, lute, cithern : cavā solans aegrum testudine amorem, V.: resonare septem Callida nervis, H.—In building, an arched room, inner chamber, arch, vault : commentari in quādam testudine: mediā testudine templi, V.— In war, a tortoise, covering, shed, shelter : turrīs testudinesque agere, i. e. wooden sheds protecting the besiegers , Cs.: testudine factā, i. e. with shields interlaced , L.: actā testudine, V.— A head-dress resembling a lyre : Cyllenea, O.