
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

toga ae, f

TEG-, a toga, gown, outer garment, citizen's cloak (a flowing robe in a single piece of white woollen stuff): pacis est insigne et oti toga: praetexta, the bordered toga of magistrates and free-born children : pura, the plain toga (assumed on coming of age): virilis, the toga of manhood : libera, of a freeman , O.: picta, worn in a triumph , L.: purpurea, i. e. royal , L.: candida, of white fulled cloth (worn by candidates for office), L.: pulla, a dark-gray toga (worn by mourners).— Fig., peace : cedant arma togae.— The Roman character, Rome : togae Oblitus, H.— A courtesan (who might wear the toga but not the stola), Tb.