
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

togātus adj.

toga, wearing the toga, clad in the toga, gowned : gens, V.: ut togatus mandata senatus audiret, L.— In the garb of a Roman citizen, in Roman dress : Graeculus iudex modo palliatus modo togatus, now in Grecian, now in Roman garb : Gallia togata, Roman Gaul .—As subst m. : cum magnā catervā togatorum, i. e. of freeborn citizens.—In the garb of peace, in civil life, unarmed : cui uno togato supplicationem decreverit senatus.—As subst: lictorum maior numerus quam togatourm, civilians , L.: multitudo togatorum, S.— In the garb of a plain citizen : quasi unus e togatorum numero, i. e. one of the common herd : sportula turbae rapienda togatae, i. e. by the throng of clients , Iu.: comites, Iu.: ancilla togata (because the toga was worn by loose women), H.