
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

trāns praep.with acc.

1 TER-.—Of motion, across, over, to the farther side of : qui trans mare currunt, H.: multitudinem trans Rhenum traducere, Cs.: trans vallum signum traicere, L.: curvos trans ripam miserat arcūs, O.—Of position, across, beyond, on the other side of : Germani trans Rhenum incolunt, Cs.: trans Euphratem esse pereundum: domino trans ripam inspectante: trans Padum omnia loca tenere, L.—In composition (trāns before vowels, except i , and before b, c, g, p, r, t ; trāns, very rarely trā, before f, v ; trāns or trā before i, d, l, m, n ; trān, rarely trāns, before s ).— Over, across ; as in trado, traduco, transcurro, transeo.— Through, through and through ; as in transfigo, transigo, traicio, transadigo.— Beyond , in Transalpinus.

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