
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

trepidō āvī, ātus, āre

trepidus.—Of persons, to hurry with alarm, be in confusion, be agitated, be disturbed : festinare, trepidare, S.: Quid est quod trepidas, T.: trepidante totā civitate ad excipiendum Poenum, L.: artos circum cavos (mures), Ph.: nobis trepidandum in acie instruendā erat, L.: Dum trepidant alae, V.: lymphati trepidare coeperunt, Cu.: recenti mens trepidat metu, H.: formidine belli, O.: ultra Fas, H.: Trepidari sentio et cursari rursum prorsum, T.: totis trepidatur castris, Cs.— To tremble at, be afraid of : harundinis umbram, Iu.: Ne trepidate meas, Teucri, defendere naves, V.: trepidat, ne Suppositus venias, Iu.—Of persons, to waver, hesitate, tremble, be at a loss : per alia atque alia pavida consilia, L.—Of things, to tremble, waver, shake, flicker, palpitate : (aqua) per pronum trepidat cum murmure rivum, H.: flammae trepidant, H.: Sic aquilam pennā fugiunt trepidante columbae, O.: cuius octavum trepidavit aetas Claudere lustrum, has hastened , H.

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