
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

tribus ūs (dat.and ablplur., tribūbus, C., L.), f

cf. tres, a third part of the people (as orig. divided into Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres); hence, in pen., an hereditary division of the people, tribe (under the constitution of Servius Tullius, four for the city and twenty-six for the country districts; at a later date there were thirty-one country tribes): illum quinque et triginta tribūs patronum adoptaverunt: a Romuliā tribu initium facere: fieri se pro tribu aedilem, received the vote of the tribe for the aedileship , L.: vocatis tribubus, L.: Africanus censor tribu movebat eum centurionem, expelled from the tribe : Grammaticas ambire tribūs, to canvass the Grammaman tribes , H.

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