
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

triplex icis, adj.

ter+PARC-, threefold, triple : Plato triplicem finxit animum: philosophandi ratio triplex: cuspis, i. e. the trident , O.: voltus Dianae (see triceps), O.: triplicem aciem instruere, to draw up in three lines , Cs.: murus, V.: aes, H.: Sorores, the three Fates , O.: Quae ratum triplici pollice netis opus, i. e. the finger of the three Fates , O.: Poenarum deae, i. e. the Furies , O.: Gens, three clans , V.—As subst n., three times as much, a threefold portion, triple : Sume tibi decies; tibi tantundem; tibi triplex, H.: pediti in singulos dati centeni (denarii), triplex equiti, L.— Plur m . as subst . (sc. codicilli), a writing-tablet with three leaves .

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