
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

tundō tutudī, tūnsus, or tūsus, ere

TVD-, to beat, strike, thump, buffet : tundere . . . cum illi latera tunderentur: tunsis pectoribus, V.: pede terram, H.: Gens tunditur Euro, V.: tunsae pectora palmis, V.—Prov.: uno opere eandem incudem diem noctemque tundere, i. e. to harp on one string perpetually.—To pound, bruise, bray : tunsum gallae admiscere saporem. V.: Tunsa viscera, V.—Fig., to din, stun, keep at, importune : Tundendo atque odio denique effecit senex, T.: adsiduis vocibus heros Tunditur, V.

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