
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ūlterior ius, adj.

comp, farther, on the farther side, that is beyond, more remote (for sup.see ultimus): quis est ulterior? T.: Gallia, i. e. transalpine, Cs.: pars urbis, L.: ripa, V.: Ulterius medio spatium, O.—Fig., more extreme, worse: quo quid ulterius privato timendum foret?L.—Plurm. as subst, the more remote persons, those farther on, those beyond: cum ab proximis impetrare non possent, ulteriores tentant, Cs.: proximi ripae neglegenter, ulteriores exquisitius, Ta.—Plurn. as subst, that which is beyond, things beyond, farther, more: pudor est ulteriora loqui, O.—Neut. As adv.,beyond, farther on, farther: abire, O.: Ulterius nihil est, nisi, etc., O.—Further, more, longer, in a greater degree: Ulterius ne tende odiis, V.: ulterius dare corpus leto, O.

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