Related Words
usurpo, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [perh. contr. from usu rapio, to seize to one's own use], to take into u...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
ūsūrpō āvī, ātus, āre
usus+RAP-, to seize for use, grasp for enjoyment, seize upon, take into use, make use of, use, employ, adopt, apply, practise, exercise, enjoy . hoc genus poenae saepe in improbos civīs esse usurpatum recordatur: ex tanto intervallo rem desuetam, L.: consolationes a sapientissimis viris usurpatae: ex usurpatā libertate in servitutem adserendi, i. e. after experience of liberty , L.: Curi cum caritate aliquā benevolā memoriam usurpare, cherish the memory of : ius, exercise , L.—In law, to seize, become seized, take possession, acquire, obtain : surculo defringendo, i. e. by breaking off a twig (as a symbol of ownership). — To seize wrongfully, usurp, trespass on : cuius ius tyranni quoque usurparunt, appropriated , L.: usurpandae alienae possessionis causā, L.—In language, to name, call, speak of, talk of, adopt, assume : Graecum verbum: admonet saepe usurpatae Dionysi vocis, quā, etc., L.: Laelius, is, qui Sapiens usurpatur: quae (via) antea silebatur, eadem nunc crebro usurpatur, is on everybody's tongue .
usurpo, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [perh. contr. from usu rapio, to seize to one's own use], to take into u...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.