Related Words
ū̆trŏbīquĕ (ū̆trŭbīquĕ), adv. [utrubi-que], on both parts or sides , on the one side and the ot...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
utrobīque (utrubīque) adv.
utrubi (uter+ ubi)+que, on both parts, on the one side and the other, on either hand : ut eadem veritas utrobique sit, i. e. with gods and men : depopulatus Hypatensem primo, deinde Heracleensem agrum, inutili utrobique auxilio Aetolorum, L.: utrobique Eumenes plus valebat, on both land and sea , N.: pavor est utrobique molestus, H.
ū̆trŏbīquĕ (ū̆trŭbīquĕ), adv. [utrubi-que], on both parts or sides , on the one side and the ot...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.