
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

variō āvī, ātus, āre

varius, to diversify, variegate, change : maculis ortum (sol), V.: variabant tempora cani, O.: ubi caeruleum variabunt sidera caelum, O.: formas variatus in omnīs, metamorphosed , O.—Fig., to cause to change, diversify, vary, make various, interchange, alternate : ille variabit (vocem): voluptatem: rem prodigialiter unam, H.: sententias, L.: vices, V.: bellum variante fortunā eventum ferre, with varying success , L.: variatis hominum sententiis, i. e. amid the conflicting voices : quae de Marcelli morte variant auctores, report variously , L.: senatus consuli coeptus; ibi cum sententiis variaretur, there was a difference of opinion , L.— To be diversified, be variegated, change, alter, waver, vary, be various, differ : abeunt redeuntque mei variantque timores, O.: ita fama variat, ut, etc., L.: si (lex) nec causis nec personis variet, L.—Impers: ibi si variaret, if there were a difference of opinion , L.