
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

(verber) eris, n

a lash, whip, scourge, rod (in sing.only gen.and abl.): illi instant verbere torto, V.: conscendit equos et ictu Verberis increpuit, O.: Verberibus caedere, T.: adulescentem nudari iubet verberaque adferri, L.: aurigae proni in verbera pendent, i. e. lean forward with the whip, V.—A thong, lash: torquens verbera fundae, V. —A lashing, scourging, flogging: Percutimur ca put conversae verbere virgae, O.: mitto verbera, mitto securīs: verberibus ac tormentis quaestionem habere: tergum foedum vestigiis verberum, L.—A stripe, stroke, blow: remorum in verbere perstant, O.: turgentis caudae, H.: placido dare verbera ponto, the strokes (of oars), O.—Fig., plur, lashes, strokes: contumeliarum verbera subire: patruae verbera linguae, i. e. chidings, H.

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