
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

verbum ī, n

cf. ῤῆμα; Eng. word, a word : pro his facit verba, speaks , Cs.: quod ego in senatu Graeco verba fecissem, had spoken : libenter verbo utor Catonis (i. e. origines): usitatius hoc verbum et tritius: si pudor, si modestia, si uno verbo temperantia, in a word : verba rebus impressit, i. e. names : contumelia verborum, abusive language , Cs.: verborum delectus, choisce of language : multis verbis ultro citroque habitis, much talk on both sides : accusare verbis tribus, in three words : (dies) per quem tria verba silentur, i. e. the praetor's voice (in the official words do, dico, addico), O.—Prov.: verba flunt mortuo, i. e. that is idle talk , T.—Abl sing. adverb., briefly, in one word, by a word : postquam Caesar dicendi finem fecit, ceteri verbo alius alii varie adsentiebantur, S.: verbo de sententiā destitisti, at one word from me.—Orally, by speech : aut verbo adsentiebatur, aut pedibus in sententiam ibat, L.—Abl plur . with poss. pron ., or gen, in the name of, in behalf of, for : si uxori tuae meis verbis eris gratulatus, for me : denuntiatum Fabio senatūs verbis, ne, etc., L.—In the phrase, uno verbo, in one word, in a word, briefly : Quin tu uno verbo dic, quid, etc., T.: praetores, praetorios, tribunos plebis . . . unoque verbo rem p., etc.—In phrases to express exact correspondence, verbum e verbo, precisely, exactly, literally : quae Graeciπάθηappellant, ego poteram morbos, et id verbum esset e verbo.—Of a passage or work, translated or copied, ad verbum, verbum de verbo, verbum pro verbo, or verbum verbo, literally, word for word : fabellae Latinae ad verbum de Graecis expressae: verbum de verbo expressum extulit, T.: verbum pro verbo reddere: verbum verbo reddere, H.—In the phrase, verbi causā or verbi gratiā, for the sake of example, for example, for instance : si quis, verbi causā, oriente Caniculā natus est: quo die verbi causā esse oporteret Idūs.— A saying, expression, phrase, sentence : vetus verbum hoc quidemst, etc., an old saying , T.: quod verbum in pectus Iugurthae altius descendit, S.— Mere talk, mere words : dolor est malum, existimatio, dedecus, infamia verba atque ineptiae, empty words : verborum sonitus inanis.—Abl adv., verbally, in words, nominally : Ut beneficium verbis initum nunc re comprobes, T.: in quibus (civitatibus) verbo sunt liberi omnes, in name .—Hence, the phrase, verba dare, to give mere words, deceive, cheat : Quoi verba dare difficile est, T.: vel verba mihi dari facile patior in hoc: curis dare verba, i. e. to beguile , O.—In grammar, a verb .

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