
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

vertex (vortex) icis, m

VERT-, a whirl, eddy, whirlpool, vortex : torto vertice torrens, V.: (flumen) minores volvere vertices, H.: sine vertice aquae euntes, O.: amnis transverso vertice dolia inpulit ad ripam, L.— A whirlwind : contra (ventum) enitentes vertice intorti adfligebantur, L.— Of flame, a coil, whorl : flammis inter tabulata volutus Ad caelum undabat vertex, V.— The highest point, top, peak, summit : ignes, qui ex Aetnae vertice erumpunt: flammae rotantes Vertice fumum, H.: a vertice, from above , V.—Of the head, the top, crown : ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum: talos a vertice pulcher ad imos, H.: toto vertice supra est, by the head , V.: moribundus, O.— The pole : caeli vertices ipsi: Hic vertex nobis semper sublimis, V.— The highest, greatest (poet.): dolorum vertices.

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