
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

vigilia ae, f

vigil, a watching, wakefulness, sleeplessness, lying awake : Demosthenis vigiliae.— A keeping watch, watching, watch, guard : noctu vigilias agere ad aedīs sacras: scutum in vigiliam ferre, to take on guard , L.: vigiliarum nocturnarum curam magistratibus mandare, L.— A watch, time of keeping watch (a fourth part of the night): primā vigiliā, L.: de tertiā vigiliā, Cs.: vigiliae in stupris consumptae, i. e. nights.—Plur., the watch, men on watch, watchmen, sentinels, post, guard : milites disponit perpetuis vigiliis stationibusque, Cs.: si vigiliae, si iuventus armata est: vigilias disponere per urbem, L.—Fig., watchfulness, vigilance : vacuum metu populumR.nostrā vigiliā reddere.— A post, office, term of office : vigiliam meam tibi tradere: aliorum consulum.

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