
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

volvō volvī, volūtus, ere

3 VOL-, to cause to revolve, roll, turn about, turn round : saxa glareosa volvens (flumen), L.: Medumque flumen minores volvere vertices, H.: volvendi sunt libri, to be unrolled (in reading): per amnis sinūs errorem volvens, i. e. following up the windings , L.: Seminecīs volvit multos, rolls in the dust , V.— To roll up, roll together, form by rolling : qui terga dederant, volventes orbem, etc., forming a circle , L.: (equus) volvit sub naribus ignem, V.—Pass, to turn round, move in curves, revolve, roll down : Ille (anguis) inter vestīs et levia pectora lapsus Volvitur, V.: illi qui volvuntur stellarum cursūs sempiterni: lacrimae volvuntur inanes, flow , V.: volventia plaustra, V.—Fig., in time, to roll, roll along, bring on, bring around (poet.): (lunam) celerem pronos Volvere mensīs, swift in bringing by her revolutions , H.: sic volvere Parcas, i. e. determine , V.: sic deum rex volvit vices, i. e. determines the changes of events , V.: volventibus annis, with revolving years , V.: volvens annus, O.—In the mind, to ponder, meditate, dwell upon, think over, reflect on, consider : multa cum animo suo, S.: bellum in animo, L.: bellum adversus nos, Ta.: incerta consilia, Cu.: Fauni sub pectore sortem, V.: haec illis volventibus tandem vicit fortuna rei p., S.: iras in pectore, cherishes , L.—In speaking, to roll off, utter fluently : celeriter verba: complexio verborum, quae volvi uno spiritu potest: quo melius volvatur oratio, be rounded off.—To unroll, undergo, experience in succession : tot volvere casūs virum. V.: Multa virum volens durando saecula vincit (aesculus), V.

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