
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Aelĭus, a.

I The name of a Roman gens.—

II Adj., Aelian; hence,

1 Lex Aelia de comitiis, named after Q. Aelius Paetus, by whom it was proposed. A. U. C. 596, Cic. Sest. 15, 33; id. Vatin. 9; id. Pis. 4; id. Att. 2, 9 al.—

2 Lex Aelia Sentia, proposed by the consuls Sext. Aelius and C. Sentius, A. U. C. 757, containing regulations concerning the limitation of manumission; cf. Ulp. Fragm. tit. 1; Dig. 40, 2, 12; 15 and 10, etc.; Zimmern, Hist. of Law, 1, 81, and 761 sq.