
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Ămȳclae, ārum, f., = Ἀμύκλαι.

I A town in Laconia , in a beautiful , fertile region , the residence of Tyndarus and the birthplace of Castor and Pollux; also renowned on account of its temple and Colossus of Apollo , now Agios Kyriaki , Mart. 9, 104; Ov. M. 8, 314; cf. Mann. Graec. 616. —

II An unknown town in Latium , between Cajeta and Tarracina , Verg. A. 10, 564, called tacitae, as being conquered because it was forbidden to announce the approach of an enemy; cf. Serv. ad h. l.; Sil. 8, 35, and Mann. Ital. 1, 681.—Hence,

III Derivv.

A Ămȳclaeus , a, um, of Amyclae ( in Laconia ): canis, Verg. G. 3, 345: fratres, Castor and Pollux , Stat. Th. 7, 413; cf. Ov. H. 8, 71: corona, which were received in pugilistic games , very freq. in Amyclae, Mart. 9, 74.—Poet for Spartan , Sil. 6, 504.—

B Ămyclānus , a, um, belonging to Amyclae in Latium , Plin. 14, 6, 8, § 61.

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