
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Ardĕa, ae, f. [v. arduus], = Ἀρδέα,

I the capital of the Rutuli , six leagues south of Rome; acc. to the myth, it was burned by Aeneas, and from its ashes the heron ( ardea ) was produced, Ov. M. 14, 573; Verg. A. 7, 411; cf. Serv. ad h. l.; Mann. Ital. I. 617; Müll. Roms Camp. 2, 296-312.—Hence, Derivv.,

A Ardĕas , ātis, adj. (old nom. Ardeātis, like Arpinātis, Cato ap. Prisc. p. 629 P.), of or belonging to Ardea , Ardean : in agro Ardeati, Cic. N. D. 3, 18, 47: Ardeas templum, Plin. 35, 10, 37, § 115.— Hence, in the plur.: Ardeātes , ium, m., the inhabitants of Ardea , Liv. 5, 44; 4, 7.—

B Ardĕātīnus , a, um, adj. (rare for Ardeas), Ardean : praedium, Nep. Att. 14, 3 (Halm, Arretinum ); absol. , in Ardeatino (sc. agro), Sen. Ep. 105.

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