
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Arsĭnŏē, ēs, and Arsĭnŏa, ae, f., = Ἀρσινόη.

I Arsinoa, mother of the third Mercury , Cic. N. D. 3, 22, 57.—

II Arsinoë, daughter of Ptolemy Lagus and Berenice , wife of king Lysimachus , afterwards of her brother Ptolemy Philadelphus , Just. 17, 1; 17, 2; 24, 2.

III —Hence, Arsĭnŏēum , i, n., the monument erected to her by the latter , Plin. 36, 9, 14, § 68.—

III A daughter of Lysimachus , the first wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus; after her death worshipped as Venus Zephyritis, Plin. 34, 14, 42, § 148.—

IV A daughter of Ptolemy Auletes , sister of Cleopatra , Auct. B. Alex. 4 and 33; Luc. 10, 521.—

V One of the Hyades , Hyg. Fab. 182.—

VI The name of several towns ,

A In Lower Egypt , Plin. 5, 9, 11, § 61.—

B In Cyrenaica , Mel. 1, 8, 2; 3, 8, 7; Plin. 1, c.—

C In Cilicia , Plin. 5, 27, 22, § 92.

XI —Hence, Arsĭnŏē-tĭcus , a, um, adj., of or pertaining to Ar-sinoe : aqua, Plin. 36, 22, 47, § 165.—

D A town on the north side of Cyprus , Plin. 5, 31, 35, § 130.

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