
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Attēius (better Atēius), ii, m., the name of several Latin grammarians.

I Atteius Philologus, a distinguished rhetorician and grammarian , friend of Sallust and Asinius Pollio , Suet. Gram. 7 and 10; Serv. ad Verg. A. 1, 601; 1, 273; 5, 45; Fest. pp. 179, 182, 187, 248 al.; Charis. p. 102 P.; cf. Bähr, Lit. Gesch. p. 523; Teuffel, Röm. Lit. § 207, 1; also an historian , Suet. Gram. 10; cf. Bähr, Lit. Gesch. p. 285.—

II Atteius Capito, a contemporary of Augustus and Tiberius , Suet. Gram. 10 and 22; Fest. pp. 176, 208, 227, 234 al.; cf. Bähr, Lit. Gesch. p. 528; Teuffel, Röm. Lit. § 260, 3; he was also the founder of a distinguished law-school , and adversary of Antistius Labeo , Tac. A. 3, 75; Gell. 1, 12, 8; 2, 24, 2; 4, 14, 1 al., cf. Bähr, Lit. Gesch. p. 553; Hugo, Rechtsgeschichte, p. 868; Zimmern, Rechtsgeschichte, l. p. 305 sq.