
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Attis, ĭdis (also Atthis or Atys, yos, and Attīn, īnis, Macr. S. 1, 21, p. 313 Bip.), m., = Ἄττις (Ἄττυς, Ἄτυς, Ἄττιν),

a young Phrygian shepherd , whom Cybele loved , and made her priest on condition of perpetual chastity; but he broke his vow , became insane , and emasculated himself , Cat. 63; Ov. M. 10, 104; id. F. 4, 223; Serv. ad Verg. A. 9, 116; Macr. S. 1, 21.